MACKIE Magazine August-Sept Issue 4 Magazine May - June 2014 Issue 3 | Page 16
Taylor Bear Publications’ “NdiePedia, a New Indie Christian /
Gospel Artist Database!
‘NdiePedia is an independent Christian / Gospel artist and Christian business entrepreneur online
database and only exists to help in giving added exposure to those artists and organizations that strive to
spread the Word of God.
All independent Christian / Gospel artists and Christian business entrepreneurs or business owners that
support the Christian community and wish to have their bio listed are welcome to submit!!
Submissions can be sent to [email protected]
Please send bio, one to four pictures and the links to your various web sites or places your music can be
found and purchased.
Bios can be sent like those found in or simply send a link to your website or Facebook
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for submissions to be added. Those already included but not wishing their bio to
be in this database please send an email to [email protected] and it will be promptly removed.
To view a Wikipedia bio visit here…
‘Ndiepedia is a Taylor Bear Publication – DOLERN Media property.
Visit the database…'NdiePedia
View the profiles of MACKIE’s Publishers…Arthur Araina
“We’re in the business of saving souls”