Advanced Composites
Attn: Scotty Briner
Customer ID#-6517
Improved Record-
Since the year of such improvements,
a much more accurate electronic filing
account has been kept of Advanced
Composites’ oil analysis results, oil changes
and filtration. The online database has
helped Briner maintain an electronic
history of oil sample results. He can add
or remove equipment without affecting
Machine ID#-
any historical information in the database.
Instead of digging through files and papers
Oil Type-
for analysis history, he can simply pull
up the information on his computer to
instantly compare sample reports.
The oil change/filtering worksheet has
changed the work environment as well. It
is mandatory that this worksheet be filled
Oil Hrs.-
Oil Change Date- Initials- SAB
out before and after any work is completed,
Example of an oil sample label used at Advanced Composites
and then returned to Briner for review and
electronic filing.
A label maker was also purchased so
oil sample labels wouldn’t need to be
handwritten. This has saved a lot of
time. Briner’s advice is to contact your
oil analysis laboratory to find out what
information is required on your printed
labels. This may even speed up the
turnaround time of your oil analysis
results. Customizing your label on each
sample helps the lab keep better records
and makes the process easier when issues
with the sample results arise.
Future Improvements
Many other improvements are being
planned to increase savings and prevent
oil contamination. The next big project is
to enhance the oil storage area. Advanced
Composites has already made changes
to its handling practices to reduce
16 | March - April 2020 |
contamination, but improvements to the per pump they are applying. This should
storage area will further aid in decreasing prevent over greasing the bearings on vital
contamination. Briner hopes to create a equipment.
more user-friendly storage facility that will
allow for lubricant inventories to be better
Within this revamp, a color-coding system
Reliable Support
Advanced Composites’ lubrication program
has grown and is continuing to grow because
is being considered with dedicated transfer of the guidance and continued support from
hoses and oil containers. Briner would like the maintenance team as well as outside
to add drum mounts to aid in filtering, contractors. Also, if it were not for the PM
sampling and transferring new oil. These task team, the implementation of all the
mounts will also provide a clean connection changes would never have happened. As
through the use of quick connects.
On a smaller scale, Briner is looking
to improve his facility’s grease gun
management. By weighing the pumps of
the saying goes, “There is no ‘I’ in team.”
This successful journey required everyone
working together to reach this point, and
it will take everyone working together
grease from each grease gun and labelling to continue to make improvements to
the guns with this information, the PM task the lubrication program at Advanced
team will know exactly how much grease Composites. MLI