footprint. Within the lubrication program,
were eliminated.
pieces of vital equipment were proactively
the company strives to minimize oil waste
maintained with the drain and breather
by educating the PM task team on how to Earlier, the company focused on putting mounts installed. The facility filtered
prevent oil contamination. This starts with all the necessary blocks in place so it could 6500 litres of oil, retaining 6000 litres and
properly filling equipment with new oil and start gathering and reporting numbers. changing out only 500 litres.
continues through oil sampling and daily One of the biggest changes was to the work visual inspections of all seals and oil levels. environment. The team had to be educated The Company was able to significantly
on the importance of providing these increase the amount of oil it retained in
Back when Advanced Composites was numbers, which could then be reported to its machines while decreasing the amount
performing semi-annual oil changes, it was upper management, allowing them to see of changed oil over the course of one year.
leaving a big carbon footprint in terms of the improvements being made. It also found cost savings in reducing the
its disposed oil. As mentioned previously,
amount of disposed oil.
the facility was disposing of about 5000 Afterwards, within a year, 28 pieces of vital litres of oil per year. Through improved equipment were maintained. By filtering After that Briner was trying to find a better
understanding of oil analysis results, better about 8000 litres of oil, the site retained way to recycle used oil. He was exploring
sampling and filtering, and contamination 6000 litres in the machines and only had the possibility of having more control of
reduction strategies, unnecessary oil changes to change out 2000 litres. In 2018, 25 what happens after it is collected.
The “used oil” storage and buckets are kept far from
the new oil storage.
| March - April 2020 | 15