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Rover The rover's mass will be about 20 kg (44 lb) and will operate on solar power. The rover will move on wheels on the lunar surface, perform on-site chemical analysis and send the data to the orbiter above, which will relay it to the Earth station. The initial plan was for the rover to be designed in Russia and fabricated in India. However, after Russia proved unable to contribute to the mission, ISRO decided on designing and fabricating the rover itself. IIT Kanpur is developing three subsystems to provide mobility: Stereoscopic camera-based 3D vision - will provide the ground team controlling the rovers a 3D view of the surrounding terrain. Kinematic traction control - will enable the rover to negotiate the rough lunar terrain using independent steering provided on four of its wheels. Control and motor dynamics - The rover will have six wheels, each driven by an independent electric motor. Four of the wheels will also be capable of independent steering. A total of 10 electric motors will be used for traction and steering. Payload ISRO has announced that an expert committee has decided on five scientific instruments for the orbiter, four for the lander, and two for the rover. While it was initially reported that NASA and ESA would participate in the mission by providing some scientific instruments for the orbiter, ISRO has later clarified that due to weight restrictions it will not be carrying foreign payloads on this mission.  Orbiter payload Large Area Soft X-ray Spectrometer (CLASS) from ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bangalore and Solar X-ray monitor (XSM) from Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad for mapping major elements present on the lunar surface. L and S band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) from Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad for probing the first few tens of metres of the lunar surface for the presence of different constituents, including water ice. SAR is expected to provide further evidence confirming the presence of water ice below the shadowed regions of the Moon. Imaging IR Spectrometer (IIRS) from SAC, Ahmedabad for mapping of lunar surface over a wide wavelength range for the study of minerals, water molecules and hydroxyl present. Neutral Mass Spectrometer (ChACE-2) from Space Physics Laboratory (SPL), Thiruvananthapuram to carry out a detailed study of the lunar exosphere. Terrain Mapping Camera-2 (TMC-2) from SAC, Ahmedabad for preparing a three- dimensional map essential for studying the lunar mineralogy and geology.  Lander payload Seismometer for studying Moon-quakes near the landing site Thermal probe for estimating the thermal properties of the lunar surface Langmuir probe for measuring the density and variation of lunar surface plasma Radio occultation experiment for measuring the total electron content  Rover payload Laser induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) from Laboratory for Electro Optic Systems (LEOS), Bangalore. Alpha Particle Induced X-ray Spectroscope (APIXS) from PRL, Ahmedabad 15