Barrett Recognized with 2023 VISTA Award
On April 25 , 2023 , Trumbull Barrett , MCA was presented with MAA ’ s prestigious VISTA Award . The award was established by the MAA in 2000 to recognize leaders in our industry and is given to an individual whose actions serve as a guide and challenge to other members . The award ’ s title — VISTA — is an acronym for Vision , Integrity , Service , Talent , and Action – the leadership qualifies inherent in all award recipients . It is the highest honor the MAA bestows upon a member .
A record-setting crowd of colleagues , friends , and family gathered at The German Club to celebrate with Trumbull as he received his VISTA award . Trumbull ’ s friend , Ron Yaple , MCA , traveled “ all the way ” from Western Mass . to make the presentation that began with a reminiscent slide show and was followed by a standing ovation . Here are excerpts from Ron ’ s remarks that evening :
“ I ’ ve known the Barrett family since 1975 . Trumbull ’ s father David worked with the refined end of trees — The owned Berkshire Millwork where I met him through my employment at New England Log Homes . Dave was salt-of-the-earth : hard-working , honest , and kind , smart , humble , and brimming with integrity . And in that , in part , I just described his son Trumbull . The apple did not roll far from the tree .”
“ Ultimately , Trumbull moved to Urbania ( the Berkshires ’ loss ). He established Barrett Tree Service East for which he achieved TCIA accreditation . He attained his MCA designation . He was elected to the Board of MAA in 2014 and subsequently became President in 2020 , the year COVID crept around the globe . He led MAA through 2020 and was , to quote Virginia Wood , ‘ particularly influential in
Ron Yaple , MCA and Kevin Cleveland , MCA present Trumbull Barrett , MCA ( center ) with the 2023 VISTA Award .
balancing both sides of who was considered an essential worker . Trumbull is an extremely wise leader .’”
“ I would add that in talking with his associates it ’ s clear that he has developed a human-centric business model , a model to be respected and pursued . Aren ’ t we deeply fortunate to work with and honor Trumbull with the VISTA Award .”
Know someone you ’ d like to nominate for the VISTA Award ?
MAA members are encouraged to nominate colleagues for VISTA award consideration . Please write a letter to the MAA board of directors with the name of your nominee and include the reasons why you believe he / she should receive the award . Take the award ’ s purpose and title into consideration when crafting your nomination letter . Be specific , cite examples , include details and , if possible , ask for letters of support for your nominee from other MAA members . The deadline for nominations is September 10 , 2023 .
Nomination letters : may be sent to :
VISTA Award / MAA Board of Directors • 67 West Street , Medfield , MA 02052 Or email to info @ MassArbor . org with “ VISTA Award ” in subject line please .