MAA NEWS Spring2023_w | Page 3

MAA Board of Directors
PRESIDENT Kevin Cleveland , mca Tree Tech , Inc . Foxboro , MA
VICE PRESIDENT Russell Holman , mca , ctsp , bcma Arborway Tree Care Hyde Park , MA
SECRETARY / TREASURER Max Ford-Diamond , mca Boston Parks & Recreation Boston , MA
PAST PRESIDENT Neal Reilly , mca The Reilly Tree & Landscape Co . Plainville , MA
MCA REPRESENTATIVE Steve Vernon , mca Harrison McPhee , Inc . Millis , MA
DIRECTORS Brandon Maltby , mca Maltby & Co ., Inc . Stoughton , MA
Kieran Yaple , mca Race Mountain Tree Service Sheffield , MA
Keith Bernard , mca Barrett Tree Service East Medford , MA
MANAGEMENT TEAM Peggy Benjamin Kristen Dreyer Charissa Sharkey
MASSACHUSETTS ARBORISTS ASSOCIATION , INC . 67 West Street Medfield , MA 02052 ( 508 ) 653-3320 Info @ MassArbor . org MassArbor . org

President ’ s Message

Hello MAA Members ,
An education-packed year has started off strong for the MAA !
In January we launched a new and improved Electrical Hazard Awareness webinar series with Dr . John Ball . Nearly 100 members have participated in this critical safety education to date . The MAA is grateful to Dr . Ball for his support of MAA and commitment to safety education in our industry .
February ’ s dinner meeting drew a large crowd to a safety education seminar on Safe Lift Operation with Matt Messina of CTE Equipment . I know I learned a lot – especially when it comes to ANSI Standards and the training required to safely operate these machines that are found everywhere in our industry today .
Another great on-line learning opportunity is our workforce development webinar featuring Heather Reitano of Davey Tree Expert Co . Available March through June , this program features great stats and practical tips on how to attract and keep qualified labor in today ’ s candidate-driven market . Definitely worth checking out !
The MAA board of directors has been hard at work getting ready for Arbor- EXPO , March 29 – 31 , 2023 , developing a stellar education program , as well as a student track that will bring hundreds of college and high school students to the event . Personally , I ’ m looking forward to our workshop on Wednesday , March 29 at 3:00 p . m . “ Innovation , Technology and the Future of the Tree Care Industry .” What a great opportunity to open our eyes , learn from others , and find ways to better our industry . Get all the details on page 11 .
And finally – my favorite day of the year – Arbor Day ! Our group celebration will be held on Friday , April 28 , 2023 at Francis William Bird Park in Walpole , MA . Collaborating with The Trustees , we will further the MAA ’ s mission to build awareness for the importance of tree preservation and conservation at this beautiful , community park .
I look forward to seeing you at many of our MAA events this spring ! Kevin Cleveland , MCA
MAA President
MAA NEWS is a publication of the Massachusetts Arborists Association , Inc . MAA NEWS is published four times a year for the Massachusetts Arborists Association ( MAA ) and is distributed free of charge to members . The purpose of the newsletter is to disseminate information to promote general standards and ethics in commercial arboriculture , as well as to foster research and share knowledge with its members . The MAA is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to communications between its membership and the industry . The MAA believes the information in this publication to be accurate as of its publication date and is not responsible for inadvertent errors . The MAA and Massachusetts Certified Arborist ( MCA ) logos are trademarks of the Massachusetts Arborists Association , Inc . Qualified MAA members and certified members only are permitted to utilize the logos . Logos for MAA and MCA are available through the MAA office .
EDITORIAL : Readers are encouraged to submit articles , announcements , review of products , or letters . Please send to Newsletter Editor at mail or e-mail CMartin @ MassArbor . org .
ADVERTISING : For advertising rates and information , contact MAA at info @ MassArbor . org , or ( 508 ) 653-3320 . Ads may be submitted as high-resolution pdf files . Discounted advertising rates are available to MAA members .
DISCLAIMER : The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the MAA .