The Science Of Great Conversation
YOU’RE GOING to a party, networking event or cocktail
hour to meet new contacts and make connections. However,
you always have a problem figuring out how to approach
people, no matter what the situation.
Thankfully, there are skills you can hone and then use in
social or business settings. They may be verbal or nonverbal,
and easy to grasp or require a little practice. I want to explore
the science of great conversation with you.
How can you make dazzling conversation with anyone
you meet? There is both an art and a science to effective
1. Be Anti-Boring
Everyone starts off conversations the same way. They
say, “What do you do?” or “Where are you from?” Instead, ask
someone, “What passion projects are you working on?” or
“What gets you up in the morning?”
2. Start Off Strong
Start off the conversation with a “how” or “why” question.
People will give you more thoughtful answers and really think
about why you’re asking them. Say, for instance, “How did you
meet the host?” That way you’ll learn about the person you’re
talking to, as well as the host.
3. Trips And Adventure
Ask people if they have any trips or fun adventures coming
4. Foster Excitement
Ask people if anything exciting happened to them that day.
5. Stories
Tell a story. People love funny anecdotes and it makes your
conversation more personal right off the bat.
6. Break It Down
Break down a question for someone. Instead of being
general and saying, “How are you doing?” ask, “How’s Fall
treating you so far?” Frame it in the context of time so he or
she can thoughtfully answer the question.
7. Be The Highlight
Ask a person, “Have any highlights today?” Not only is this
person going to feel good because he or she gets to talk about
him or herself, but it also starts off the conversation on a
positive note.
8. The Handshake
Use a firm handshake when you meet someone. Don’t
do the “death grip,” but make sure that your firmness level