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Nottingham Connected


Education & Career


Nottingham Connected

5 – Charity IT Association

The Charity IT Association (CITA) is a specialist IT consultancy for charities (and a registered charity itself) that provides advice and recommendations

on a volunteer basis, whether about your current IT set-up or a project you want to deliver.

6 – AbilityNet

If you want to learn how your charity can better use technology for people with disabilities or impairments, AbilityNet is your place. Free webinars, factsheets, guidelines and checksheets are among the resources on offer.

7 – Platypus Digital

Non-profit digital agency Platypus Digital are now offering a free digital training platform for charities looking to learn all about digital marketing in a more structured online training environment.

8 – The FSI

The Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) offers a large number of free services for small and local charities, such as face to face training, workshops and e-learning alongside guides, templates and tools for online fundraising. Its website also includes collection of resources from around the web on topics such as data, GDPR and cyber security.

9 – CAF

Most charities know about the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) but did you know about its ‘Giving Thought’ blog looking at how emerging technology will shape the future of the charity sector? They also have guides to online fundraising with tips, best practice and webinars, as well as other reports and educational bits and pieces. CAF are also the people behind #GivingTuesday – visit their site for more information on how to get involved in this one-day online fundraising phenomenon.

10 – Meetup.com

Online events platform Meetup.com is a great platform for finding like-minded people and events on a whole range of topics. We recommend NetSquared, a global network of Meetups run by Tech Soup and its UK partner Charity Digital. There are NetSquared groups all over the world and the UK including London, Birmingham, Cambridge, Cardiff, Bristol, Bath and Edinburgh.

Digital resources