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We’ve collated a list of the best platforms and websites for charities to learn about digital, connect with others and find techy volunteers.


Education & Career

1 – The Charity Digital Code of Practice

Number one on our list, the Charity Digital Code of Practice draws from the collaborative expertise of a large number of organisations including Charity Digital, ACEVO, CAST, the NCVO and the Charity Commission. If you haven’t taken some time out to digest this resource yet, we recommend making this your end-of-2018 resolution. It should be on the required reading list for all charity trustees, CEOs and anyone with an interest in being successful with digital.

2 – CAST – Digital design principles

Most effective when read in conjunction with the Code, The Centre for Acceleration of Social Technology (CAST)’s Digital Design Principles includes guidance and case studies for charities to design better digital services.

3 – Small Charities Coalition

The Small Charities Coalition catalogues a range of useful resources on its website from tools, templates and guides to services and commercial partners, on a wide number of topics aimed at helping charities increase their impact. The Coalition also hosts webinars and training events, some of which focus on digital topics such as digital media, regulation and online fundraising.

4 – Skills Platform

Skills Platform links charities up with training providers and offers e-learning bundles on a range of charity-specific topics such as health and care, but also workplace development such as data governance and project management, all designed to be affordable for charities. It also produces some useful free resources such as the Charity Digital Toolkit and toolkits for social media.

10 Excellent digital resources for Charities

By Chloe Green