Nottingham Connected
-97% of respondents have been stopped & searched when they were not committing any criminal offence, even though Police and Community Officers used reasonable grounds to suspect criminal activity to sanction stop & search
-54% of respondents felt that when they were searched, police procedures were either partially or completely unprofessional
-Only 8% of all respondents reported feeling informed about their rights should they be stopped and searched by the police
-72% of total respondents said that even if they were fully informed about their rights, they would not feel comfortable enough to alert officers or make a future complaint through fear of escalating the severity of their situation
-44% of respondents and 47% of respondents reported feeling discriminated against by police in terms of how likely it is they would be stopped and searched due to race and ethnicity respectively
-57% of respondents felt they were stopped and searched at random, and 10% reported feeling they were stopped on the basis of discrimination