Luxury Travel 2024 Volume 2 - US | Page 58

The Similarities
Group of Friends Dining

The Similarities

Communal Eating
Community is at the heart of most meals . Whether it ’ s a family dinner or friends sharing a late-morning snack , the guiding principle is that food was meant to be savored with your loved ones .
“ But What About Second Breakfast ?”
Both countries have an intense appreciation for food — so much so that it can ’ t be contained to three square meals a day . Instead , you ’ ll find something along the lines of six meals a day in both countries ( assuming you count dessert as a meal , which most do ): Breakfast , little meals ( tapas ) or morning snack , lunch , afternoon snack , dinner and then dessert .
It ’ s Not a Meal Without Bread & Wine
It doesn ’ t matter the country , restaurant or table : You ’ ll find bread and wine when you sit down to dine . There will be a breadbasket , no matter your dish of choice or whether you ask for it . Ditto for wine — with both countries being wine-growing regions , you ’ ll find most locals savor a glass with both lunch and dinner .