Luxury Travel 2024 Volume 2 - US | Page 23

Cape Buffalo

Cape Buffalo

With its distinctive curled horn , the Cape buffalo seems familiar . Its appearance , habits and gait bear a striking resemblance to the docile cattle that populate America ’ s grassy plains . But Cape buffalo are much more dangerous than domestic livestock . Solo bulls will attack when they feel threatened , and a spooked herd can trample smaller animals in their path . For photographers , the Cape buffalo is an ideal model as they generally stand still and hold their pose . Cue the small bird to perch on its nose and you have an iconic shot on your camera roll .


Cape Buffalo in South Africa



Rhinoceroses are endangered to the point of near extinction , so seeing a southern white rhino in the wild is a privileged experience . Very few rhinos survive outside of national parks and preserves , due to persistent poaching and habitat loss over many decades . Across Africa , the World Wildlife Fund is leading conservation efforts to curtail illegal hunting and trafficking of animal products . If you are lucky enough to find a rhino while out on a game drive , you ’ ll likely see it grazing peacefully with an oxpecker bird or two settled onto its head or rump eating ticks , flies or other bugs . Snap away and you ’ ll have an amazing story to tell your friends and family . �
Rhinoceros in Kenya