Luxury Indian Ocean LUXURY MAURITIUS #6 EDITION 2018 | Page 67

Comment votre plateforme Global Custody participe-t-elle à améliorer l ’ expérience client ? Bank One a investi dans un nouveau logiciel conçu pour déployer son offre d ’ architecture ouverte ( open architecture ) à destination des clients privés , gestionnaires d ’ actifs externes et institutions financières . L ’ idée est simple : l ’ architecture ouverte est un atout majeur pour nos clients fortunés étrangers . Quand ils viennent investir à Maurice , ils ne connaissent pas forcément le pays . Le fait d ’ être en architecture ouverte , et d ’ avoir comme dépositaire Euroclear , le plus grand système de règlement et livraison de titres au monde , bénéficiant de notations AA + et AA de Fitch Ratings et Standard & Poor ’ s respectivement , sécurise complètement ces clients . Il faut savoir que nous sommes la première banque de l ’ île à avoir acheté un fonds en roupies à travers la plateforme Euroclear ! Les clients fortunés désirent avant tout avoir un aperçu global de la composition et de la performance de leur portefeuille . Ils souhaitent être à même de le faire rapidement , pendant leur pause-café ou avant d ’ attraper un vol . C ’ est justement cela que permet notre plateforme . Avec une simple connexion , nos clients peuvent naviguer et accéder à la valorisation de leurs investissements . Grâce à une plateforme unique , les clients ont une vision globale de leur patrimoine en temps réel , peuvent facilement identifier leurs risques , prendre des décisions d ’ investissement plus rapidement et gérer leurs actifs de manière optimale .
Une des préoccupations récurrentes des clients est la sécurité , et la conservation des actifs détenus . Comment abordez-vous cette question ? La protection des actifs de nos clients est - et sera toujours - partie intégrante de l ’ offre Bank One . Il convient également de mentionner que notre industrie est strictement réglementée par la Financial Services Commission et la Bank of Mauritius . Dans le cas très improbable d ’ insolvabilité , les investissements de nos clients sont détenus en dehors du bilan de la banque .
Avec la croissance numérique dans le domaine de la gestion du patrimoine , croyez-vous que les conseils en face-à-face deviendront un jour obsolètes ? On pourrait penser qu ’ avec la multiplication des plateformes robotisées , le conseil en matière de patrimoine tel que nous le connaissons est révolu . Les nouvelles technologies ont certainement un rôle important à jouer : une transparence accrue , des processus simplifiés et des conseils plus proactifs . Le numérique est nécessaire et fait partie intégrante de notre offre . Néanmoins , les interactions directes en faceà-face ou par téléphone chez Bank One restent d ’ une importance cruciale ; des conseils en matière d ’ investissement nécessiteront , selon nous , toujours une approche personnelle et humaine . Notre modèle hybride - une combinaison de relations humaines et numériques - répondent à la complexité de la gestion de patrimoine . D ’ ailleurs , nous sommes très fiers d ’ avoir récemment obtenu le titre « Best Private Bank 2018 » décerné par Global Finance Magazine qui témoigne de la reconnaissance de notre qualité de service .
How has Bank One differentiated its business model to deal with new realities in customer behaviour ? Private Banking has been a part of the bank ever since its inception ten years ago . Recently , however , we have introduced an extremely innovative service : An Open Architecture investment platform . While this concept is trending in Europe and Asia , it has yet to make headway in Mauritius . And this is where Bank One distinguishes itself . Bank One does not sell its own proprietary products ; instead , its innovation lies in making it possible for investors to select the best Asset Management companies and investment funds-both local and international . Today , we are dealing with a new breed of investors : they are younger , grew up during economic downturns and mistrust traditional financial institutions ; they are more astute in their selection of financial products and often manage their wealth on their smartphones . And as these millennials grow in size and importance , banks are rethinking their business models . An exclusively in-house approach is a thing of the past . Instead , an Open Architecture structure makes it possible for us to act in our clients ’ best interests . Our platform grants clients access to worldwide bonds , equities , ETFs , funds , structured products , and to a universe of local and international investment funds . Consider us a product-neutral advisory house of sorts , which hinges on a trusting , workable synergy with External Asset Managers ( EAMs ). This multi-management structure combines our strength in asset allocation and our mastery in selecting accomplished asset managers . The outcome ? A highly-personalized investment portfolio that is consistent with each client ’ s objectives .
How does your Global Custody platform enhance client experience ? Bank One has invested in a new custody software solution designed to seamlessly deploy our Open Architecture offer , and maintain the highest level of engagement with all clients : private clients , external asset managers , financial institutions . The idea is simple : The Open Architecture model presents a huge opportunity for foreign High Net Worth clients , some of whom may find that they are not well enough acquainted with Mauritius . Our depositary , Euroclear , the world ' s largest provider of securities settlements with AA + and AA ratings by Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor ’ s , provides them the assurance of absolute safety . Fact : we are the island ’ s first bank to have settled funds in Mauritian Rupees through Euroclear ! High-net-worth clients , in particular , seek an overview of their portfolio ’ s composition and performance in one place . And they want to do it quickly , while on their coffee break or a commute . Our platform allows just that . By simply logging in , our clients can navigate through customized content and track their investment performance . Through one single platform , clients have an overall picture of their wealth in real time , can easily identify the risks they run , make quicker investment decisions and manage their assets optimally .
An asset owner ’ s primary concern is asset safety –– cash safety and the safekeeping of assets held on his / her behalf . How do you address the issue of security ? The safe protection of our clients ’ assets is — and will always be — integral to Bank One ’ s offering . It is worth mentioning that our industry is stringently regulated by the Financial Services Commission and the Bank of Mauritius . In the highly unlikely event of insolvency , the client ’ s assets are kept off our balance sheet . Bank One has no ownership rights over the assets held with us , and we cannot emphasize this enough . Our strategic partnership with Euroclear also plays a vital role in inspiring our clients ’ confidence .
With digital Wealth Management growing , do you believe face-toface advice is expected to become obsolete ? With robo-platforms on the rise , one may think that wealth advisory as we know it is has ended . New technologies certainly have an important role to play — increased transparency , streamlined processes , deeper advisory insights . Digital is at the core of our offering and is designed to support our client relationship . But even so , face-toface and telephone interactions remain critically important at Bank One ; investment advice will always require a personal , human touch . Our hybrid model — a winning combination of human and digital capabilities — masterfully addresses the complexities of managing wealth . The results are far , far better than when either of them operate in silos . Besides , we are the proud holders of the “ Best Private Bank 2018 ” title , awarded by Global Finance Magazine . A testament to the quality of our services .
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