Dans un contexte de crise , comment évolue ce marché ?
Agile et inventif , le secteur du luxe est l ’ un des marchés qui a le mieux résisté . Ses grandes marques ont toujours su sentir l ’ air du temps . C ’ est le secret de leur longévité . Leurs dirigeants ont été réactifs face à la crise pour trouver comment continuer à être présents , mais aussi pour soutenir leurs collaborateurs . Même si l ’ incertitude demeure , l ’ avenir du marché du luxe est florissant , car il est conscient qu ’ il faut considérer pleinement les grands enjeux que nous vivons : écologie , culture , société , économie … Il répond aux problématiques actuelles , tout en anticipant les prochaines .
En quoi votre offre est un atout dans ce contexte inédit ?
Les solutions virtuelles se sont multipliées dès le début de la crise . Dans le recrutement également – mais sans notre vision globale et transversale du luxe . Nous avons choisi la formule de rencontre et d ’ échange entre recruteurs et candidats pour pallier ce manque d ’ humanité propre au contexte . L ’ humanité et la bienveillance sont dans notre ADN . Nous avons donc imaginé un salon flexible sur trois jours ( ndlr : le Salon International de Recrutement pour le Luxe , du 7 au 9 octobre 2021 ), avec des rencontres en “ one to one ” pour permettre aux candidats d ’ exprimer leur talent auprès de recruteurs potentiels , des conférences et ateliers pour donner l ’ opportunité aux marques de présenter leur environnement de travail et leur univers
Pourquoi Maurice ?
Nous nous y sommes installés , mon époux et moi , pour une raison essentielle : nous recherchions un équilibre de vie – que l ’ île nous offrait . Un environnement serein , des gens bienveillants .
Pour Vendôm , je souhaitais développer un axe sur l ’ océan Indien . La situation de Maurice se prêtait parfaitement à ce nouvel essor , par son faible décalage horaire avec l ’ Europe et sa proximité avec le Moyen- Orient et l ’ Asie . J ’ étais aussi très intéressée par son aspect multiculturel et les talents qui y naissent . Je suis heureuse d ’ avoir fait ce choix . Tout ce que nous entamons à Maurice prospère magnifiquement .
Introduce us to The Vendôm Company .
It is an ecosystem designed to tackle the current challenges of luxury recruiting . Based on a set of cross-functional tools , it aims at identifying market expectations and developments . Therefore , The Vendôm Company is , first and foremost , a group of luxury experts with many years of experience , along with several people in the field who , located in our Vendôm Premium agencies , position themselves as closely as possible to the different realities of the industry . These agencies are located in Europe ( France , Spain , Portugal , United Kingdom ) and now in the Indian Ocean .
Furthermore , The Vendôm Company is a platform that puts the greatest professionals in the sector directly in touch with highly qualified candidates , specially selected by us .
Finally , we offer complete support at all stages of recruitment : communication , coaching , specialist conferences … Our DNA : putting people at the forefront of the recruitment process in order to bring together individuals , not functions .
How was it born ?
The Vendôm Company was first born after noticing that pre-existing recruitment firms do not adopt luxury codes : their processes are impersonal and above all , they do not follow-up with candidates .
Another factor : certain luxury sectors are often seen as extremely rigorous . Recruiters have to change their attitude in order to attract more talented people . It is a very common trend nowadays : companies mainly focus on the experience of employees . We now deal with qualified candidates who are given many opportunities and want to know which direction they want to go . We must therefore offer them a clear vision of what their evolution may be . Especially with the extremely mobile younger generations , which makes it difficult to retain employees .
All sectors combined , the luxury industry shares the same values of high standards , excellence and passion . There is great transversality in this environment . One only has to observe the career of young graduates of major luxury management schools or hotel schools : their careers can develop in almost any luxury sector .
In a context of crisis , how is this market evolving ?
Agile and inventive , the luxury sector is one of the markets that has held up the best . Its major brands have always known how to adapt to hardships . This is the secret of their longevity . Their leaders remained alert during the crisis and found new ways to stay present , but also to support their employees . Even if uncertainty remains , the future of the luxury market is flourishing because it understands that it is a requisite to fully consider the major issues in which we live : ecology , culture , society , economy ... It responds to current difficulties while anticipating the next ones .
How is your offer an asset in this unprecedented context ?
We have been witnessing several virtual solutions since the start of the crisis . This includes the recruitment sector too - but without our global and transversal vision of luxury . We have chosen the formula of meeting and exchanging between recruiters and candidates to compensate for this lack of humanity , pertaining to the current circumstances . Humanity and benevolence are in our DNA . We , therefore , imagined a flexible exhibition over three days ( editor ’ s note : the International Luxury Recruitment Fair , which was held from the 7 th to the 9 th of October 2021 ). It offered one-to-one meetings , allowing candidates to express their talent to potential recruiters , as well as conferences and workshops to give brands the opportunity to present their work environment and their universe .
Why did you choose Mauritius ?
My husband and I settled there for one main reason : we were looking for a wellbalanced life - which the island offered us . A serene environment along with caring people .
For Vendôm , I wanted to develop opportunities in the Indian Ocean . Mauritius ’ situation fits itself perfectly to this new endeavour , with its low jet lag with Europe and its proximity to the Middle East and Asia . I was also very interested in its multicultural aspect and the talents that are born there . I am happy to have made this choice . Everything we start in Mauritius is thriving beautifully . www