Luxury Hoteliers Magazine 2nd Quarter 2022 | Page 49


By Gloria Fu , Independent Board Member , Proptech ll & Amy Zocchi , PR Manager , AMResorts
Has being a female in a maledominated space posed any challenges for you through your career ? If so , how did you overcome them ?
If there have been roadblocks in my career path due to my gender , I have not been privy to them . I attribute this to the education I was afforded , my strong support system , the thoughtful guidance from and trust in my mentors , and the perspective that I am in control of the narrative of my life and the subsequent outcomes . But I also recognize the privilege of my circumstances , as I have witnessed individuals being overlooked because of their gender . As an industry , we have to work to find ways to overcome individual biases and organizational policies and practices that inhibit career advancement for women .
What is your proudest achievement to date ?
My proudest achievement is the nurturing and supportive family that I have created with my husband Christopher . We have been blessed with two extraordinary children , Henry and Juliet , and the environment we have created enables me to show them that it is possible to pursue personal and professional goals when you have a strong support system in place .
What will be the biggest challenges for the next generation of female leaders in hospitality and how do you overcome them ?
For women in a corporate setting , the greatest challenge will be balancing work and life goals . The corporate ladder has a broken rung that makes it challenging for women to attain entry-level managerial positions , which then stifles their ability to rise to senior-level positions in the organization . This phenomenon is further exacerbated if they also wish to start a family . There needs to be a policy and mindset shift in order to fix that rung .
What is the most important message you want to share with women just starting out or looking to grow their career in hospitality ?
Apply for the job that seems like it ’ s a stretch . Statistics have shown that women will not apply for a job unless they meet 9 or 10 out of 10 criteria for a job . Those same statistics show that men will apply if they meet only 3 of those criteria .
Lastly , why hospitality ?
The hospitality industry is high-energy , fast-paced , exciting , and allows you to meet individuals from all over the world . It is so multi-faceted that there is literally a position for everyone in this industry .