Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation Programming Newsletter | Page 5

Giving Back with: Reflecting on: God’s Work, Our Hands Gender and Justice Each year, our national denomination (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ameri- ca) organizes a day of service. Thou- sands of Lutherans, from all across the United States, will leave their sanctuar- ies on September 10 to serve their communities. The Lutheran Church of Mahomet is excited to participate. All are welcome to wear/purchase their yellow “God’s Work, Our Hands” t- shirts and join us for a day of service. We can expect more information to follow as we get closer to Rally Sunday. We have decided to prolong our conversa- tions regarding Gender and Justice through September 13, so that we can more deeply engage the materials. We will continue to meet in the classroom off of the gathering space at 6:30 on Wednesday nights. If you would like to participate in these conversations and have not been to one before, please come a bit early (6pm) so that Pr Nikoli can lead you through our behavioral covenant as well as introduce you to the materials. For more infor- mation, please contact Pr Nikoli directly at [email protected]. See our schedule below: August 23, 30: How can we address vio- lence against women and girls? September 6, 13: Why do words and images for God matter? TBD: How do we challenge the misuse of Scripture against women and girls? NOTE: You will notice “TBD” in the sched- ule, which indicates an unknown future. By September 20, Wednesday night youth programming will be in full swing and Wednesdays will no longer be a good time to have the Gender/Justice conversation. Watch for more information about that last module in the coming weeks. Lutherans and the World