Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation Programming Newsletter | Page 3

REFLECTIONS Welcome back to the Lutheran Church of Mahomet programming year! It is our prayer that this summer has been a time of relaxation, reflection, fun and excite- ment, fond memories, and adventure. As we gather back at LCM from our summer excursions, we are excited to usher in an- other exciting programming year filled with worship, service, and learning. As we convene again after the summer months, no doubt transformed by our various experiences, we remember our devotion to something larger than our- selves, God’s call on our lives to love our creator, God’s creation, and ourselves. Each of our journeys enriches the church’s pursuit of this call: every memory, every emotion, every witness, and every unique- ness that you bear is a gift to our Christian community. Take a moment to think back on this summer… How have you seen God living and moving in your life? How have you felt God’s presence around you, or how have you yearned to feel God at work? These last few months, you have seen God at work in ways that no one else can see. You have been gifted with a unique perspective and faith, which will en- rich our church. And, so, as we gather this fall for another programming year, we are excit- ed and empowered to share all of ourselves at the Lutheran Church of Mahomet, in the hopes that we can continue to grow and share in God’s great diversity. So, I here invite you to bring your memories, your energy or exhaustion, your emotions, and your whole self to church this fall. To- gether, we will grow in leaps and bounds in Sunday School, worship, service, preschool, LOGOS, youth programs, adult education, fel- lowship, and more. This will be a common place where we can praise the God who sees us through it all. Peace, Pr Nikoli