Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation Lent 2018 | Page 9
Some of our prayers on Sunday mornings can at times feel overly habitual—like the Lord’s Pray-
er, which follows the same cadence every Sunday, and might feel more musical and memorized
than prayerful—when this happens, remember that we are praying together, that this prayer is
said on behalf of hundreds of people at a time, that we are joined in spirit and breath in each
words we pray. Prayer at home can be done as a group, too, while still keeping prayer exciting
and meaningful. It’s important to nurture our group prayer habits as well as our individual pray-
er practices. Praying as a family or group of friends or coworkers can be a powerful experience.
Here are some ideas about how to start:
Find a six-sided die somewhere in your home. Have the group sit around a
table and roll the die one at a time. Using the following guide, each participant prays a petition
respective to the number that rolls up. For example, if I rolled a FOUR, I would say a prayer for
someone in need.
1. for the church universal, its ministry, and the mission of the gospel
2. for the well-being of creation
3. for peace and justice in the world, the nations and those in authority, the community
4. for the poor, oppressed, sick, bereaved, lonely, for all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit
5. for the congregation, and for special concerns
6. for the saints (friends and family who have died and have shaped our faith) who have gone be-