Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation Lent 2018 | Page 10
As a group, reflect on your day using your daily high (best part of
your day) and daily low (worst part of your day) to guide your discussion. Share with each
other about your day and then say a prayer together, thanking God for the highs and ask for
God’s intercession for the lows.
Get out some coloring pencils or crayons and some blank paper.
Reflecting on your day or week, create a drawing of how you saw God’s activity in your life or
the life of another.
Keep a prayer sheet somewhere in your house, where everyone
knows to find it. Whenever someone has a prayer, they can write it down on the sheet. That
way, when anyone looks at the list, they too can say a prayer for that item.
At church, we publish a list of people every Sunday who need our pray-
ers. Take that list home and simply repeat the names in prayer every day. Or, divide up the
names among the people of the prayer group, and then each person will have a certain num-
ber of people to hold in prayer.
Choose some scripture to center your time together—you could use the
text from the previous Sunday’s worship or pick a new text. Read the passage together a few
times and talk about what it might mean for you in the moment. This discussion is in itself
prayer, but you could take it one step further and say a prayer in a circle, with each person
offering a petition inspired by the scripture.
Sometimes, in families or groups, one or two people become the “pray-ers”
and become the go-to people to pray. Try switching it up. Let the kids pray, let the new per-
son pray, etc. Make sure everyone gets a chance to pray.