Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation Invitation to Summer: Activity Planner | Page 5

We’re excited to share our new summer evening worship format with you! Hands-On worship is an interactive service with a full meal, learning activities and service projects built in. Join us on these evenings from 5:00 PM to 7:30 to experience worship hands on. Christ Heals the Masses Bread of Life Activities: Spiritual Health Exercises, Writ- ing to the Convalescent Activities: Baking and Food Education Free-Will offering for dinner goes towards Youth Trip Service Project: Please bring Health Kit sup- plies for Lutheran World Relief, Free-Will offering for dinner goes towards Youth Trip Service Project: Meet at IGA for a food drive. We will also begin composting this Sunday. Activities: God’s Work Our Hands Service Project Free-Will offering for dinner goes towards Youth Trip Service Project: To Be Announced 5