Website Reimagined
By Kara Anderson is the face of our congregation and it has been an excellent one. Our current website is a great example of this congregations' commitment to innovation and support for all aspects of our community. We don't want to lose that, so our current website will remain live as an internal resource that can be accessed from the new website whenever we need it; which is important, because, as part of this push, we are downsizing our primary website to provide a streamlined experience for those unfamiliar with the congregation. However, we don't want to lose all those important resources so they will remain available through the previous website.
While we are leaving some resources off the primary site; we hope you'll find just about everything you need—plus some new features, as we grow into this new online space. Our design team has attempted to be very intentional about developing and testing the site with a variety of potential users. We've developed new branding, highlights, and online resources, in an attempt represent the goals and realities of our congregation to the world. However, we recognize that the best websites are constantly evolving resources, so if you have any questions, comments, or needs to be addressed about this new site we invite you to contact the office at [email protected], that way we can continue to make this site an online home for our community.
We hope you'll find just about everything you need—plus some new features, as we grow into this new online space.
We Need YOU to Help Carry Us Into the Digital World
With our increasing social media presence, our digital newsletter, and our new website, we are welcoming all the help we can get in creating more digital content from our church. There are many incredible things happening here at Lutheran Church of Mahomet, and we are hoping to capture those moments and share them with the world.
You can help with this goal by taking pictures and videos in worship (Yes, we want you to use your phones in church) and at events you attend. We also have a new camera that you can check out from the office for these purposes! We welcome any content you might like to share with us for our online content and community growing goals. Please share any images or videos with us on our social media accounts (links below) or through e-mail at [email protected].
We also ask that you "like" and "share" this newsletter as well as our other posts on social media in order to boost our ability to communicate with the Mahomet Community.
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As you may have noticed, there have been many changes to recently, and there are about to be even more. Our Website Design Team is very excited to be working on a new website that focuses on providing a welcoming experience for visitors and potential members. We hope that it will further assist us in our mission "to invite people to know Jesus Christ so that we may all share God's love." This website will be going live in early April (so very soon) and we pray that this new online presence will provide a happy compromise between our congregation's internal needs, and our visitors’ and potential members' needs.