Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation Easter Season 2017 | Page 2

Nikoli Falenschek


Office Hours: M-Th 8-4

[email protected]

Kat Downs

Director of

Music. Worship and Arts Ministries


Office Hours:

[email protected]

Kara Anderson

Office Administrator

Office Hours: M-Th 8-1

[email protected]

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Lutheran Church of Mahomet

410 E. Andover Drive

Mahomet, IL 61853

Phone: (217) 586-4786

Email: [email protected]


"To invite people to know Jesus Christ so that we may all share God’s love”

The Lutheran Church of Mahomet, “The Church on the Hill”, is located just outside the twin cities of Champaign-Urbana and in the community of Mahomet, Illinois. Established in 1972, LCM is blessed with a congregational family who centers its ministry focus on being:

A congregation that is all-welcoming and all-embracing of each other and our individual needs and differences.

A congregation that is unified through worship services, Sunday School programs, confirmation programs, youth programs, adult  activities,  fellowship, and spiritual growth.

A congregation that recognizes and utilizes the gifts and talents of all members so that we are responsive to all needs and that each  person is valued.

A congregation that maintains a positive spirit of love and faith through established mission projects while seeking out other areas  of  outreach.




