Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2019 Prayer Invitation (1) | Page 14
Belarus Fundraising
Dinner & Auction
Join us for our fund-
raising dinner and
auction this year at
5:30 PM.
EC Illinois Confer-
ence and Assembly
This year our E/C
conference will be
held from 2-5 PM at
LOGIC in Champaign.
Ash Wednesday
We will celebrate Ash
Wednesday at 7:00
PM this year with
Rev. Emil Blobaum
First Sunday in Lent
We will begin the
season of Lent
together in worship
at 9:00 AM.
Open My Life Lord
Our first Wednesday
worship of Lent will
be held at 6:30 PM.
LOGOS will be at
5:15 PM
Open My Life Lord
Wednesday worship
will be held at
6:30 PM.