Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2018 Service Invitation | Page 7
Mary is awesome. She’s
amazing. And her song…
Mary’s Song, the Magnifi-
cat, is truly magnificent.
Mary reminds us how
courageous, selfless, wholly
embodied, and hopeful a
servant can be. In this
Advent season, we are
preparing for the Lord’s
coming, and no one can
show us how to prepare for
Christmas morning better
than Mary.
The messenger of God has
just told her that she will
bear a son, Jesus, the Son of
God. Mary knows that this
will be a dangerous job for
a virgin, because the social
ramifications would prove
estranging. People will talk
behind her back about
being unfaithful to Joseph,
her betrothed; people
might call her unclean or
impious; she might be
shunned from groups of
friends, family, or even
worshipping peers. Not
only this, but she has been
entrusted with a great
miracle which will save the
world and will save those
same people who will give
her so much trouble.
Still, despite all of this
impending hardship, she
hoists this responsibility
upon her shoulders and
sings this song in response.
The Magnificat is a song of