Lutheran Church of Mahomet, The Invitation 2018 Programming Invitation | Page 7

We do not do life alone; we go through life surrounded by friends, enemies, family, strangers, and people from all walks of life. Relationships with these people make us who we are, and caring for these rela- tionships brings a double bene- fit of caring for ourselves as well as others. Sometimes, though, relationships take time and effort to make healthy or maintain good bonds. Some- times, we are called on to speak uncomfortable truths to friends or family, or maybe they are called to hold us accountable. Maintaining healthy relation- ships with honesty, trust, re- spect, and love can be hard work, but work worth doing. Take some time to pray over your various relationships, the broken ones as well as the life-sustaining ones. Also, take some time to consider people you don’t know well. When we steward our rela- tionships, we have to ask our- selves, “To whom is God call- ing me?” Friends and family can be a support system for us, and vice versa, but we are also called to be in relation- ship with our neighbor, with our siblings of other faiths, with the vulnerable and downtrodden, with elected officials, with teachers and bosses… In all of our relation- ships, we are called to be gen- erous, to be God’s loving presence with everybody. 7