The Drive to Digital
and Consumer Choice
64 agree that claims about
the switch to digital
being better for the
environment are made
because the sender
wants to save money.
41 say they would
consider switching to
an alternative fi nancial
organisation or service
provider if they were
forced to go ‘paperless’.
Many consumers
prefer and enjoy
reading in print
Printed newspapers were preferred
overall clear generational differences
could be seen in the findings. 77% of over
55s prefer to read
news in print, but the younger the
respondent was, the less likely they were
to prefer printed newspapers with just
35% of the 18-24 years olds
choosing print. Mobile was the most popular
format for news consumption amongst the
18-24 year olds at 38%.
books Right to
were preferred across
all age groups, followed
by e-readers (12%) and
tablets (7%). E-readers,
such as Kindles, were
more popular amongst
the older respondents,
and tablets with younger
respondents. 72% of
those surveyed believe
reading a printed book
is more enjoyable than
reading a book on an
electronic device. The survey examined
consumer attitudes
towards the drive
to digital-only
communications. 88%
believe they should
have the right to choose
how they receive
(printed or electron-
ically) from their service
A further 73% believe
they should not be
For bills and statements, charged more for
the survey found that UK choosing paper bills or
consumers prefer to read statements and 41% of
these on their computers UK consumers would
(laptops and desktops).
consider changing
provider if forced to go
Printed statements were
preferred by 29% of
respondents and 56% say
they prefer to receive bills
and financial statements
through a combination of
both online and on paper.
Lucid Motif Graphic Industry
Reading Preferences
and Habits
58 of 18-24 year olds in
the UK read a printed
book at least once a
week. Only 27% read
e-books every week.
63 believe that reading
news in a printed
newspaper provides a
deep understanding of
the story and 57% read
a printed newspaper at
least once a week.