LUSD Facilities Master Plan | Page 56

Staff and Community Meetings

Section Four

C o m m u n i t y O u t r e a c h

Livingston Union School District | Facilities Master Plan

Staff and Community Meetings

To provide a transparent process for gathering information , a set of community and staff meetings were held . Two meetings were held at each school site , one for the Staff and the other for the Community .
The District notified the community of the Facilities Master Plan effort and the planned community meetings in the “ Connect with LUSD ” newsletter . The schools sent handouts home with the students , and posted flyers on the campuses . The school staff also notified parents of the community meetings at the back-to-school nights . The turnout for the community meetings was light , however it was determined to be normal for these types of facility planning meetings regionally . No single meeting hosted more than 20 participants . Because the rooms were not packed , the participants felt like they could have a voice , and most all shared their thoughts , concerns and wishes . The feedback was rich in content .
To start out the meetings , Superintendent Andres Zamora reviewed the purpose and the goal for a Facilities Master Plan , and reviewed the Board Priorities and the Superintendent ’ s Goals . Andres introduced Architect Mike Fennacy of Darden Architects . Mike reviewed that Darden Architects has been practicing in K-12 Educational Facilities for over 50 years , and that their firm has succesfully conducted numerous Facilities Master Plans . Mike talked about the process of walking and reviewing the school conditions , and ended his introduction by reviewing the Principals Priorities for the school . Mike referred to the Board Priorities and the Superintendent ’ s Goals , and left the Principals Priorities up on a projection screen ( in both Spanish and English ), and then asked the Staff and Community members to voice their input and / or affirm what had been pointed out .
The meetings occurred on the following dates and locations . Staff meetings started at 3:30 pm , after school was out for the day . The community meetings started at 6:00 pm , after most parents were back from work :
September 7 , 2016 September 13 , 2016 September 14 , 2016 September 15 , 2016
Selma Herndon Elementary School Campus Park Elementary School Yamato Colony Elementary School Livingston Middle School
Preparing the Surveys at the Selma Herndon Community Meeting
In these meetings , a survey was passed out to all who attended . The data and analysis from the surveys is included in the following pages .