LUSD Facilities Master Plan | Page 42

Section Three F a c i l i t y Livingston Union School District | Facilities Master Plan A s s e s s m e n t s 101 F St., Livingston, CA 95334 Victoria Bradshaw, Principal Grades: 6-8 Livingston Middle School MISSION STATEMENT To foster a nurturing environment where everyone continually achieves educational and personal growth. VISION STATEMENT The achievement of our students is our top priority. All of our efforts are directed toward providing a school where everyone is given the opportunity to grow and expectations are high. We are committed to working together to create an environment where teachers can teach and where students can learn. We will continue building a school culture in which all of us promote healthy self-esteem and in which students and staff develop loyalty, respect and appreciation for each other. C APACIT Y SUMMARY Classroom Type Permanent Classrooms Portable Classrooms Total Classrooms Pull Out Classrooms (Unloaded) Total Loaded Classrooms Permanent Site Capacity Portable Site Capacity Total Site Capacity PRINCIPALS PRIORITIES DROP-OFF L ANES & PARKING: Classrooms 35 0 35 4 31 978 0 978 Actual Enrollment - 883 • Parking, there is not enough. Add guest parking at the NW corner of campus. • The Administration Office Space is too small and needs to be expanded in size. • Storage space, there is not enough. Storage space is needed for tables, sports equipment, and wrestling mats. • Shade is needed, especially at the amphitheater and around Building G. COMMUNIT Y & STAFF MEETING LOWEST C ATEGORY SURVE Y SCORES 3.3 (out of 5) Drop-off and pick-up lanes need to be improved for ease of use and safety. 3.33 (out of 5) The Administration Office needs to be expanded and improved. 3.75 (out of 5) After-hours Learning. Outdoor and indoor spaces need to be created to support after hours learning. 4 (out of 5) Support the community. For more information refer to pages 58 and 59 ENROLLMENT HISTORY The parking lots should have safe and dedicated drop-off lanes, in which they are separated from the parking lot stalls. To increase the ease and safety of parent drop-off, the existing bus drop-off area could be used. This would require a new bus drop-off area to be added along Flint Avenue. A new parking lot #5 can also be created on some District owned property. This new parking lot would have a 14 vehicle drop-off lane, and 69 new parking stalls. ADMINISTRATION OFFICE: The existing Administration office is undersized. An adjacent Classroom space is used for the Assets Program (after-school learning). This space could allow for the Administration office increase in size and be reconfigured for improved functionality. LIBRARY: The existing library space is adequate, but space is needed for larger study area and “Think Center”. An existing unused classroom can be captured to create the Think Center area. The Library area itself should be remodeled to support the added space. The Think Center would need to be separated from the main Library space so that it could be used for after-hours Leaning. COMMUNIT Y PROJEC TS: The Middle School is used by the community after the school hours and during the weekends. The Track, ball fields and courts are used. To support these spaces shade, storage, restrooms and additional parking should be added. A new proposed Field House would be used to house the sports equipment, the toilets / changing stalls, and include a Maker Space for project based learning activities. SHADE: Fabric and Metal Shade Structures should be added in various locations. Fabric Structures over the track seating areas, and Metal Structures at gathering areas. BAND IMPROVEMENTS: One the biggest successes at LMS is the band program. The existing Band Room is limited in size. To make the existing Band Room larger, the existing practice rooms and offices would be demolished and the added space would allow the band room to increase in size. A Band Room addition would be required to house the band equipment, the practice rooms (3) and the office. An outdoor area would be created for the storage of a trailer that is used for traveling band competitions. 40