LUNALIFE April 4th, 2017 | Page 9



The government of India is undergoing a national health mission in order to promote menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in rural India (National Health Ministry, 2013). Through this process, the government of India is supplying sanitary napkins to 107 districts, and selling sanitary napkins to 45 other districts that are better off through a self help mode (National Health Mission, 2013). This program provides an opportunity for Lunapads to team up with the Government of India and have the government supply as well as sell their products to Indian women in rural areas. As the government is currently distributing disposable sanitary napkins, they incur a lot of costs, as shipments will have to be made regularly to meet the high demand. Although, Lunapads are reusable, therefore the government can save money, as they will not be obligated to distribute the products as often.


India is one of the most populated countries in the world, the population in grew by 2.43% from 2014 to 2016, and now, at the time of writing, the population stands a 1,338.30 million, which is already almost 70 million more than the 2016 calculation (Europa World Plus, 2016). The population growth can be seen in that chart below.