LUNALIFE April 4th, 2017 | Page 5



However, there are challenges associated with entering this market, most notably, the Indian culture. Research reveals that the topic of menstruation is taboo in India, which presents a marketing and distribution challenge. To overcome this obstacle and allow Lunapads to serve the Indian BoP market in a profitable way, we firstly, recommend targeting the upper segment of the Indian BoP who earn between US$2000-4000 per year as they have a higher purchasing power. Secondly, we would recommend that Lunapads Hire customer-entrepreneurs to sell Lunapads to ladies in their communities, creating a community of women in each area for a discreet method of purchase and sense of comradery. This method uses the “Community Model” to sell; particularly “Multi-level Marketing”, which involves direct selling agents and multi-level marketing programmes to sell. This would allow Lunapads to quickly build its customer base, whilst empowering the Indian women by providing them with a source of income.