LunaPads has a large variety of feminine hygiene products that are tailored the specific needs of women based on their preferences on how to manage their menstruation. As part of the expanding the brand to India, they will be a sole focus on the pads & inserts. The main differentiator would be that LunaPads are reusable and with the proper treatment can last up to ten years while competing brands only offer disposable pads (Lunapads, 2016). These one-time use pads and tampons are mainly made from bleached wood pulp or other high technological chemicals to perform effectively. These could bring up health risks of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, endometriosis, toxic shock syndrome and many more. In terms of posing an environmental risk, there is currently approximately twenty billion pads and tampons applicators being sent to North American landfills on an annual basis (Lunapads, 2016). LunaPads is aware of these issues and offers their reusable products with more natural and organic materials.
In regards to design, they will be featured in black and dark purple to provide discretion when cleaning the inserts in any setting. Due to it being in this shade, the consumer does not need to be concerned with visible stains. These products will range from thin liners to thicker inserts so that women are fully prepared for their monthly experience and avoid spillage. The inserts are removable which makes them convenient and easy to clean. Due to the rising issue of females in India are not using the proper methods to better manage their menstruation due to misinformation on how to treat it or improper cleaning of the products it has become a striking health concern (Menstrual products and rural Indian women, 2016). There will also be the release of a complementary product being the disinfectant cleaner available for those who are interested in making the cleaning process all the more simple.
LunaPads is coming out with a new line of pads & inserts specifically for the Indian market to lower the cost by using reused materials, all while being environmentally friendly to stop the burning of cloths and other forms of adsorbents used during this time of need. The names of these items will remain the same as in North America since the Indian market is highly attracted to internationally recognized brands (Dhar, 2011).
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