LUMEN Issue 8 - December 2014 | Page 2



Lumen is Latin for light or lamp . It also means clearness and understanding .
We hope this magazine will throw light on the people , programmes , and philosophy of SJI .
Whether you are a student , a teacher , a parent , an old boy , or just someone who supports the school , may what we have to say help you understand the school and what it stands for and perhaps shed a little more light onto your path on the journey that is life .
1 | From the Editor 2 - 5 | SJI Through the Lens 6 - 7 | Arts Fest : Prelude Only the Beginning
8 | Practical Applications using Business Design Thinking
9 | Josephians-At-Large ( JAL ) 10 - 11 | Parents Unite ! 12 - 15 | A Tribute to Brother Kevin Byrne , FSC
Principal of SJI ( 1979 to 1991 ) 16 - 17 | Chong Fah Cheong : Carving His Own Legacy 18 - 19 | Fr Luke Fong : A Man of Faith and Fortitude 20 - 21 | Samuel Chin : No Mountain High Enough 22 | Joel Liew : A Late Bloomer 23 | A First at the 28th YMCA Plain English Speaking Award ( PESA ) 2014 : Double Winners Jonathan Soong and Sebastian Chan
24 - 25 | Children , Culture , Gratitude : JC 1 International Project Week
On the cover : Well-loved SJI principal Brother Kevin Byrne bidding farewell to the many students under his care upon his retirement in 1991 .
The LUMEN Team
Dr Koh Thiam Seng
Daisy Chia and Eliza Lim
Design & Production
Jerry Tan ( Paschal East Design )
We welcome your input / feedback . Write to us at contact @ sji . edu . sg subject : LUMEN
Lumen is a publication of St Joseph ’ s Institution , Singapore . © 2014 SJI . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical , including photocopy , recording or any information storage or retrieval system , without the permission of the copyright owner .
Staff : Eliza Lim
Students : Micaela Leong , Gillian Chai , Gregory Tan , Ow Yong Zhi Qi , Jonathan Ng , Chang Zhui Ning , Cui Ruo Xuan , Shaun Koo
Alumni : Gerard Chee and Hygin Prasad
Parent : Nazir Keshvani