LUMEN Issue 7 - June 2014 | Page 3

From the

From the


This page : The four fraternity captains and their corresponding colours representing " HOME " - theme of the SJI Carnival 2014 , by Ng Zhi Wei Eugene

2014 marked another new year for all but it was also a year of adjustments , perhaps apprehension and uncertainty for some , if not , many in the SJI community .

Beginning the academic year on a new site , albeit temporary , did not necessarily put people at ease . Thankfully , as the year progressed , we , as a community , learnt not only to adapt but also appreciate and enjoy our new space . This increasing fondness for our new environment is captured by the cover photo as well as the scenes ( morning assembly , Hair for Hope , etc ) and programmes ( SJI Book Week and Carnival ) that
took place at the amphitheatre - a common area which many of us have grown to love .
SJI is not made of sheer bricks ; the Lasallian values of Faith , Service and Community cannot be taken away regardless of where the location of the school campus is . They remain strong as conveyed by a number of articles featured in this issue of Lumen .
Whether you are an alumnus , a parent of a child in SJI or merely a friend of SJI , we hope you have caught on to the distinct spirit of our school , if not , we hope you will do so after reading this issue of Lumen . Ora et Labora .