LUMEN Issue 7 - June 2014 | Page 2



Lumen is Latin for light or lamp . It also means clearness and understanding .
We hope this magazine will throw light on the people , programmes , and philosophy of SJI .
Whether you are a student , a teacher , a parent , an old boy , or just someone who supports the school , may what we have to say help you understand the school and what it stands for and perhaps shed a little more light onto your path on the journey that is life .
1 | From the Editors
2 - 5 | SJI Through the Lens 6 | A School of the De La Salle Brothers 8 | En garde ! Our first ever A Division Team of
Fencers Did SJI Proud 9 | The Triumphant Overcomers
The Gymnasts Produced a Sterling Performance 10 | Making Reading Fashionable -
The Inaugural SJI Book Week 12 | The Momentous Diamond Anniversary 13 | Come , walk the Stations of the Cross 14 | In Conversation with
Prof Tan Chorh Chuan and Mr R . Rajaram 16 | Julian Tan :
Troublemaker Turned Humanitarian Advocate 17 | Learning Support Officers ( LSOs ):
The Important People Behind The Scenes 18 | Glen Paul Lee : Passing on ACTS 20 | Moses Law : Junior Josephian 2013 21 | Reflections of a Sec 1 Parent
On the cover : The exuberance of the senior school students at SJI ’ s new home in Bishan captured by Carina Lim , was part of the publicity efforts for the SJI Carnival 2014 ' Home '.
The LUMEN Team
Dr Koh Thiam Seng
Daisy Chia and Eliza Lim
Design & Production
Jerry Tan ( Paschal East Design )
We welcome your input / feedback . Write to us at contact @ sji . edu . sg subject : LUMEN
Lumen is a publication of St Joseph ’ s Institution , Singapore . © 2014 SJI . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical , including photocopy , recording or any information storage or retrieval system , without the permission of the copyright owner .
Staff : Brother Paul Ho , Chew Sung Luan and Eliza Lim
Students : Ng Zhi Wei Eugene , Tan Jia Xin , Kwok Jun Wei Joel , Oh Wei Jin , Claire Chong , Micaela Leong , Gillian Chai , Shaun Koo , Olivia Chew , Esther Kim , Marc Koh , Marc Elliot Lim , Timothy Hue , Gabriel Lim , Koh Hun Yi , Gareth Huang .
Alumni : Patrick Mowe and Flo Yeow Jian Hao
Parents : Nazir Keshvani , Valerie Lim and the Parents Support Group ( PSG )