LUMEN Issue 7 - June 2014 | Page 20

Passing on
People are always constantly searching for happiness , and many think that happiness is brought about by wealth , fame , etc ... I believe that it is only in giving that we receive true happiness , joy and satisfaction , because we know that we ’ ve made this world a better place .

Passing on


By Esther Kim and Olivia Chew
What started out as an involuntary trip turned into a passion for serving the needy in society that would motivate him to return year after year . As a result , Glen Paul Lee of Lawrence 401 ended up serving with ACTS for the past seven years , but he is not complaining . In doing so , he has been inspiring his peers to take up this cause as well .

ACTS began in 2006 when a small group of parishioners from the Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace in Singapore went to share the joy of Christmas with the students of Don Bosco Phum Chreh School in Cambodia . Since then , this small parish-based initiative has grown into a yearround multi-parish programme that culminates in the annual advent missions where several hundreds participated in 2013 . ACTS has a holistic programme that involves not only the mission participants but also tries to involve locals from all strata of society and religious persuasions to empower them so that they can eventually take over the running of the multiple projects which includes medical , clean water , providing food for thousands of children and poor families .

Glen first joined ACTS in 2007 when he was nine years old , so last year would have been his seventh year . The then reluctant participant joined ACTS because his parents volunteered him . He dreaded the trip . However , it turned out to be such an amazing first experience that his interest for mission work was ignited .
Now every advent period , before Christmas , he
will head to Cambodia and visit the same school located in a village on the outskirts of Phnom Penh called Phum Chreh . The main mission trip itself usually lasts for about a week . As a mission participant , Glen attends early daily morning mass

People are always constantly searching for happiness , and many think that happiness is brought about by wealth , fame , etc ... I believe that it is only in giving that we receive true happiness , joy and satisfaction , because we know that we ’ ve made this world a better place .

Glen Paul Lee after which he does an assigned task with the 3 Don Bosco schools and The Missionaries of Charity Home for HIV children . The task can include various activities like running medical and dental clinics , educational programmes , dancing classes , cooking classes and packing love parcels for the children and poor families . At the end of the day , all the participants gather for reflection and dinner at Teuk Thla School .
What challenges does Glen face during such trips , if any ? There are a few . A main problem is the language barrier he encounters with the Cambodians . Whenever he tries to communicate , it is very difficult because most of them do not understand English , much less speak English . This becomes frustrating at times but he usually overcomes the difficulty by using hand gestures and having volunteer translators to help him . It is also physically tiring as he feels his energy being drained by the end of every day .
Despite the difficulties , there are many factors that make Glen look forward to the trip every year . One major lure is the Cambodians . Although they have so little , they are able to enjoy life as it is . They