LUMEN Issue 7 - June 2014 | Page 19

Commonly known as the LSOs ( Learning Support Officers ), they do more than support the students in their learning endeavours but also play a crucial part in ensuring the new campus at Bishan was habitable for both students and staff as they study , work and play on the campus .


Important People

Behind the Scenes

by Timothy Hue and Gabriel Lim

Commonly known as the LSOs ( Learning Support Officers ), they do more than support the students in their learning endeavours but also play a crucial part in ensuring the new campus at Bishan was habitable for both students and staff as they study , work and play on the campus .

This page ( top ): Aik Seng , Roy and Peter
This page ( left ): Peter coaching some of the secondary school boys
Peter is reading liberal arts in Yale-NUS and Roy will be studying medicine in Ireland .

They played a significant role in preparing the Bishan holding campus as the school moved from the Malcolm Road campus in December 2013 – ensuring classrooms were equipped and safe for use , rearranging the layout of the canteen tables so that the dining experience can be more comfortable for all , and even painting some of the corridors . The LSOs have been an integral part of SJI administration , working closely alongside with the school staff , so that everyone could have a more conducive learning and working environment when the new school term begins . So , who are these behind the scene warriors , and what exactly do they do ?

LSOs are old boys of SJI , who are primarily deployed to run the Learning Support Programme established to provide academic support to weaker students and supervise or assist their learning . Last year , the LSOs solely planned and led the Orientation Week for the inaugural batch of Junior College ( JC ) students in SJI . Like big brothers to the younger Josephians , they also play the role of safety and activity facilitators for the Secondary One Orientation Camps and Secondary Three Camp TABA ( Together and By Association ). We had the opportunity to interview the LSOs – Tan Aik Seng ( Class of 2008 ), Roy Quek and Peter Ooi ( Class of 2009 ) to understand in greater detail about their motivations . More importantly , why would these young adults who have so many more interesting things to pursue return to a school they have since graduated from ?
Unsurprisingly , their answers were unanimous – love for their alma mater . They all wish to give back to SJI which had showed them much kindness and educated them to become men of integrity , humility and responsibility . “ SJI nurtured me ,” volunteered Roy during the interview . Peter ascertained it was important to kindle this fire – the fire of service and leadership .
The Secondary Four students are preparing
for their GCE ‘ O ’ Level examinations and the LSOs have been present to render their assistance , to ensure that the students are provided additional resources to learn even better . Whether it is their contributions to curriculum or Student Development Programmes , it is undeniable that over the years , LSOs have become valuable assets to SJI .
As Aik Seng , currently a Political Science undergraduate at NUS , aptly opined : “ LSOs are the recipients of much charity from the school senior leaders , who have trusted and enabled us to do good for the institution and her students alike . To share this charity is what we aspire to do . To us , being an LSO was much more than a job – it was a call to service , and this opportunity to contribute was our response .”
So let us always bear in mind the impact our LSOs have made on the school , and draw inspiration from their passion and zeal to serve .