Josephians visited Ban Bangrak School , an elementary school in Koh Samui
Teaching elementary school children simple origami
Collating data after the microplastics survey at the beach , with guidance from representatives at Coral Tribe
People need to be nurtured to become global citizens who are aware of the beautiful world they live in before they are willing to make an effort to protect it .
We also had the chance to visit Ban Bangrak School , a primary school in Koh Samui with spirited young children . There , we had wonderful opportunities to know the children better through activities such as football , colouring and origami .
As we look back on this journey , we hold close the satisfaction of knowing that we have , in some way , made this world a better place . And now , we are determined to continue living out the values of Faith , Service and Community through future commitments to marine conservation and environmental sustainability .
An extensive beach clean-up by the Josephians left them with much to think about
Recording findings on the Cleanswell phone application after sifting through the sand samples