LUMEN Issue 26 - December 2023 | Page 21


Off-the-beatenpath in Laos

by Lee Siew Lian
photo credits Mr Lim Meng Chye and Mr Mok Hsu Pan
Kayaking on the Nam Song River took us out of our comfort zone . We don ’ t remember the last time we went kayaking .
What is the name of the country that shares borders with Myanmar , Cambodia , China , Thailand and Vietnam ? Do you spell it as “ Laos ” or Lao ”?
In our trip in December 2022 , we found out that the country is referred to as
‘ Laos ’ or ‘ Lao People ’ s Democratic Republic ’. Laotian as an adjective refers to characteristics of Laos , its culture and its people .
It is not everyday that one gets to go tubing in the 500 metre Tham Nam Water Cave after kayaking in the cool