LUMEN Issue 26 - December 2023 | Page 13

daily life , school work and the mural work . Although there were instances when I had to spend large amounts of time on the mural to meet the deadlines , with determination , I persevered .”
And for a good cause too , as our young Josephians put time , energy and their creativity into two murals that now will greet residents and commuters in the area as they move through the station from place to place . It is perhaps fitting too that our observant budding artists have picked up on the atmosphere of harmony , mutual respect and diverse faiths of the people living in Kembangan . In the words of La Salle , ‘ Union in community is a precious gem ’, and these colourful gems that our students have brought to life in their paintings are for all to see and admire .
Cohen drawing shapes found within the stained glass windows and doors around the periphery of OLPS Church .
Jiong Yang refining the colours and painting technique using a WACOM tablet in our iMac studio after exporting his Procreate file to the computer .
The final mural image featuring Masjid Kassim ( left ) and the Buddhist Union ( right ).