LUMEN Issue 25 - June 2023 | Página 2



Lumen is Latin for light or lamp . It also means clearness and understanding .
We hope this magazine will shed light on the people , programmes , and philosophy of SJI .
Whether you are a student , a teacher , a parent , an alumnus , or just someone who supports the school , may what we have to say help you understand the school and what it stands for and perhaps shed a little more light onto your path on the journey that is life .


1 From the Editor 2-5 Through the Lens 6-7 Future-Ready Through SJI Work Experience 8-9 “ Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight ” -
A Night with Shakespeare at Fort Canning Green 10-13 Lessons from the Sports & the Arts 14-15 New @ SJI - Astroturf & Track and The Beurel 16-19 Artificial Intelligence - a Boon or a Bane ? 20-21 The Pandora ’ s Box of A . I . -
Are we really the architects of our own destruction ? 22-23 Strengthening our Lasallian DNA 24-26 Meet our new teachers who value their freedom 27-29 Growing and Connecting with the Josephian Alumni
On the cover : Josephians on a JFJ Learning Journey to Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall
The LUMEN Team
Mr Justin Arul Pierre
Editorial Team
Ms Eliza Lim
Diseno Advertising
Staff : Mr Alan Chan , Mr Alan Johnson , Mr Albert Tan , Mr Andrew Martin , Ms Chloe Po , Ms Christina Leong , Mr Eugene Ong , Ms Frida Ho , Ms Gina Tan , Ms Ivy Or , Mrs Jasmine Tan , Mr Matthew Grey , Mr Michael Poh , Ms Michelle Kuah , Mrs Pennie Ong , Mr Sarabjeet Singh , Ms Tan Kah Choon and Ms Wong Wah Lee
Students : Kelvin Cahya Yap ( MN402 ), Noah Yang Shanwei ( LE403 ), Patrick Nott Pei De ( ML303 ), Quintus Hun Kai Siew ( MN402 ), Raad Tian Puthucheary ( FN301 ), Rajavel Rahul ( ML403 ), Samuel Lim ( ML401 ), Thirrushan S / O Thana Rajan ( LE302 ), Yeo Sheng Kai Darius ( LE403 )
We welcome your input / feedback . Write to us at contact @ sji . edu . sg , subject : LUMEN
Lumen is a publication of St . Joseph ’ s Institution , Singapore . © St . Joseph ’ s Institution , 2023 . All Rights Reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical , including photocopy , recording or any information storage or retrieval system , without the permission of the copyright owner .
Alumni : Dr Gerard Nah , Mr Simon Seow