Ryan Lee Wei Ming ( LE 303 )
The SJI Chapel , standing proudly at the entrance of the school , is tall and pristine , with its well-maintained facade , often mistaken for a brand new building with no history whatsoever . The chapel , however , is not for ordinary use . As a religious space , non-Catholics like me enter it rarely . But on the one occasion when I did enter it . It was one experience I can never forget .
Upon taking a step into the chapel , I was immediately greeted by a strong gush of warm , humid air . Rays of piercing sunlight shone through the vibrant rainbow window panels . Sounds of birds chirping cheerfully from the surroundings , along with each breath and footstep reverberating in the atmosphere as though through a large speaker . The silence in the deserted surroundings brought about a rare sense of calm in this chaotic school .
The sacred smell of a church and the sight of the cross Jesus laid on , cast a reminder of the holy place it is meant to be . The SJI chapel is one magical place , a place that enables one to take a break from our frantic lives , a place that heals one spiritually and mentally , a place that will be treasured for eternity .
Ryo Ong ( MN103 )
Dinh Cao Tue ( MN619 )
Mdm Lim Lay Hoon ( Vice-Principal )
The St Joseph ’ s Antstitution : a studentinitiated club that I am part of that focuses on ant-keeping and ants . We raise multiple species of ants including a rare mesoponera . As we keep them , we observe their behaviour and learn about them as well as try to recreate their natural environments .
What I appreciate about SJI is the camaraderie between the students , who are willing to support one another . I remember it was early morning before Economics Prelims , and the students were supporting each other in revision . I was at Annex 1 , and looking down , it looked like a beautiful Rembrandt oil painting .
SJI is a Lasallian community - a family where continuous learning takes place and where strong , positive relationships are built . A safe environment whereby all are reminded to ‘ enter to learn ’ and ‘ leave to serve ’. A learning space whereby the SJI experience serves as the heart of the understanding and practice of what Faith , Service and Community are all about . A place to share each of our gifts from God for the betterment of the community . We are reminded daily of the importance of prayer and work and to pay it forward . A place which I am blessed to be a part of . Ora Et Labora !.