LUMEN Issue 24 - December 2022 | Page 11

SJI students teaching the elderly how to use the CDC vouchers at various community centres
The project was officially closed at the Thanksgiving Assembly on 28 October , with a total of 17,790 good deeds completed . The breakdown of Good Deeds is as follows :
• 2,862 from student submissions
• 4,100 from school-wide events ( e . g . Tote bag making )
• 3,890 from events held in school for the Singapore community ( e . g . Open House , LLTC )
• 4,638 from CCA / CAS projects ( e . g . donation drives )
• 2,300 from Student Council-initiated projects ( e . g . Peer Tutoring )
A significant example of an activity was during the Lasallian Leadership Training Camp ( LLTC ) held in June where the year 3 students , along with their year 5 mentors , went to various community centres around Singapore to teach the elderly how to access and use their CDC vouchers . Alexander Robb , a Year 3 student , said
“ It was an enriching experience and really eye-opening and it shows how privileged we are to have grown up with the ability to utilise these devices . It was really great helping the elderly to use these devices and it felt beneficial to me in that I knew I was helping to make the world a slightly better place .”
Ethan Ong , despite being a mentor , still had much to say about his takeaway from the activity . “ It was quite an eyeopening experience as I got to see a side of my neighbourhood that I had never seen before . I am much more aware and appreciative of the level of privilege I have and I ’ m glad to say that I have learnt quite a lot from this activity .”
The St . Joseph ’ s Pelandok Scout Group also participated in a beach cleaning activity this year . During this activity , our Scouts played their part as stewards of the environment , cleaning up the beaches at East Coast Park . The Scouts enjoyed the activity , as it also gave them the chance to bond with their patrol mates . The Unit Secretary , Ashvath , said , “ Something we all noticed was that the beach was littered with cigarettes , which was disheartening . However , the whole experience was unique and enriching in the end , especially after the cleaning ; all the scouts felt content abt the service they rendered to the environment .”
Personally , we are touched by the many actions Josephians have been carrying out . Whether in school or externally , the effort to go the extra mile can be seen and as a Council , we are very appreciative of the cooperation of the school . We are very happy that we managed to achieve our desired goal and all the more proud to see what we as Josephians can accomplish . We look forward to working with the school community as a whole again in future projects !
Beach Cleanup as a self-initiated Scouts VIA project