LUMEN Issue 23 - June 2022 | Page 17


Getting to know the new Principal

Lumen makes Mr Justin Pierre , our Principal , take some questions from Vanity Fair ’ s Proust Questionnaire :
What is your idea of perfect happiness ?
I believe that whatever one is doing , it must always be in alignment with one ’ s values , principles and passion .
What do you consider the lowest depth of misery ?
The loss of something or someone very precious . However , sometimes ... the lesson in life is letting go .
What is your greatest fear ? Not living life vibrantly and having lingering regrets .
What is the quality you most like in a person ?
Authenticity : the person ’ s ability to reveal his or her genuine self without pretending to be perfect . Imperfection , when seen in the right context , can be beautiful . It celebrates the uniqueness of an individual .
Which words or phrases do you most overuse ?
You ’ ll Never Walk Alone ( YNWA ) – not in regard to football and the fact that I ’ m an ardent Liverpool Football Club supporter , but in the context of my staff and students . As a School Leader , my most important task is to always take care of my people and want the best for them . As such , I want to let them know that I am always supporting them as best as I can , and they are not alone .
What do you consider your greatest achievement ?
As a leader , I draw great satisfaction whenever I see people grow to their fullest potential and be the best that they can be . I am always heartened when my students go on to do extraordinary things in life and become people with a heart for others , and when they have found their purpose and passion in life .
Which historical figure do you most admire ?
Nelson Mandela . He is an excellent example of what it means to love and forgive others and not show resentment . One of his famous quotes was given when he was released after 27 years of imprisonment during apartheid – the former policy of racial segregation and political , social , and economic discrimination against the non-white majority in the Republic of South Africa - “ Forgiveness liberates the soul . It removes fear . That is why it is such a powerful weapon ... As I walked out the door towards the gate that would lead to my freedom , I knew if I didn ’ t leave my bitterness and hatred behind , I ’ d still be in prison .”
What is your motto ?
I live by 4 personal mottos :
1 .
Value people and show respect for
others .
2 .
opportunities don ’ t come knocking
twice .
3 .
blessings ;
half-full , and not half-empty .
4 .
Strive to be the best that we can
be and always live our lives as a
gift for others .
Mr Pierre with the A-Division footballers after their game at NSG