LUMEN Issue 18 - December 2019 | Page 17

It was an eyeopening experience for each and everyone . The teams in both developments continued their hospitality by patiently bringing us through the details by showing us a model of the future development , as well as different mock-up apartments .
home . A mini-quiz was also conducted based on the presentation and some of us won prizes . The ADM was an unusual learning experience beyond the classroom that taught us more than what we simply thought mathematics concepts were about . We are indeed tremendously thankful for this enriching experience .

It was an eyeopening experience for each and everyone . The teams in both developments continued their hospitality by patiently bringing us through the details by showing us a model of the future development , as well as different mock-up apartments .

from ERA . Their expertise and enthusiasm are most appreciated . Upon reaching the respective sites , the ERA team gave us a presentation on the property and its facilities , with reference to how different aspects of mathematics can be drawn from a single presentation . Besides dwelling on the concepts of ratio and scales and maps , financial literacy was also weaved into the presentation . It was an eyeopening experience for all of us . The teams from both developments patiently led us through the details by showing us a model of the future development , as well as different mock-up apartments .
During the visit to Fourth Avenue Residences , we had the chance to participate in activities where we had to design our dream
Facing page ( top ): Thumbs up from ERA for the winning team and their proposal
Facing page ( bottom left ): Wowed by the scale of the model
This page ( top left ): Checking out the details of the show flat model
This page ( centre top ): Briefing by ERA team about their housing model
This page ( centre ): Checking out the interior of the show flat
This page ( bottom left ): Solving the problem by the mathematical way
This page ( bottom right ): Designing our dream home