LUMEN Issue 18 - December 2019 | Page 16

The Academic Discovery Modules ( ADM ) offered in Years 1 & 2 aim to help Josephians inquire about the world or the self through a process guided by teachers . This process enables students to adopt lenses of particular disciplines in order to answer essential questions that interest them .

Building through your dream home


By Medhansh Bhagchandani

The Academic Discovery Modules ( ADM ) offered in Years 1 & 2 aim to help Josephians inquire about the world or the self through a process guided by teachers . This process enables students to adopt lenses of particular disciplines in order to answer essential questions that interest them .

The Year 2 Math Academic Module on “ Building your dream home ” can seem like an overwhelming experience . However , it aims to guide students on an inquiry into ratio , scales and maps and the mathematics behind architectural drawing and eventually building their dream home . The students learned to use Google SketchUp to create a model of their dream house .

This year , two groups of Josephians were given the opportunity to visit the RV Altitude ( Roxy Pacific Holdings Limited ) site in Semester 1 and Fourth Avenue Residences ( Allgreen Properties ) in Semester 2 to understand the different aspects of Mathematics in the real-world context .
The rich encounter left us in awe of what we can do with the ideas that we drew from the visit and presentation by Mrs Marie Lam and the team