A message from Brother President
The tercentenary is also a year of Lasallian vocations . The meaning is two-fold : firstly the religious vocation , to lead a life of prayer and in community with the Brothers of the Christian Schools who are dedicated to the work of education , especially for the poor . Many a conversation among Lasallians usually ends with a remark on the lack of Brothers in our schools in Singapore . If the wish is to have more Brothers in our schools , then there must be active encouragement from family members for their children in our community to consider embracing the religious life . We have many talented young people in SJI , if only some would dedicate their lives for God ’ s ministry in education as a religious Brother of the Christian Schools . We continue to pray and hope that the presence of the Brothers would not be just a memory that fades with time .
Secondly , teaching in a Lasallian school for lay teachers is to accept that the profession is a call from God . Teaching in a Catholic school is to accept the Gospel values cantered on the following elements : ( a ) student-centred : knowledge , understanding and behaviour ; ( b ) teacher-pupil relationship : propose , not impose ; ( c ) critical engagement with elements of faith that God is present and active in the world ; ( d ) age-appropriate ; and ( e ) well-prepared and well-formed teachers .
Don ’ t tire of going in search of all those that find themselves in the modern “ sepulchres ” of loss , degradation , hardship and poverty , to offer hope of a new life .
In a special audience with Pope Francis on 16 May 2019 at the Vatican , the Pope said , “ Don ’ t tire of going in search of all those that find themselves in the modern “ sepulchres ” of loss , degradation , hardship and poverty , to offer hope of a new life .” Keep moving those feet in a spirit of collaboration and mutual enrichment for the salvation of young people through education .
May we continue to pray for young people in Singapore to hear the invitation from God to embrace the religious life , so that they may be miracle workers to those entrusted to their care in Catholic schools of the future . Continue to pray for all of us so that we may continue to be good workers in the Lord ’ s educational vineyard .
Teachers see themselves improving their professional competency as God ’ s plan to help them touch hearts , teach minds , instil hope and transform the lives of the young people entrusted to their care . We are very grateful for the many , many lay teachers for the past 167 years of Lasallian presence in Singapore who worked side by side with us in our schools with dedication and commitment . “ Thank you for the lives you touch ,” Bro . Robert Schieler , Superior General .
Facing page : St John Baptist de La Salle , founder of the Christian Brothers and Patron Saint of Teachers
This page ( bottom right ): Letter from the Brother Superior , Borther Robert Schieler , FSC , marking the start of the Jubilee Year