LUCE 349 | Page 21

Photo © Mario Ferrara Photo © Mario Ferrara
e garantiscono l ’ illuminazione generale e di sicurezza per le aree di passaggio . L ’ emissione della luce della maggioranza degli apparecchi installati è controllata grazie al protocollo digitale DALI che consente di variare l ’ illuminazione adattandola alle mutevoli condizioni della luce naturale , fornendo in ogni momento della giornata la luce ottimale per il benessere degli operatori .

Human-scale spaces : the Olivetti District

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The Olivetti factory in Pozzuoli represents a rare example of harmony between industrial architecture and an extraordinarily important landscape context . Located in a 15-hectare area , the original ����������������������������������������� wanting to let in as much natural light as possible . The various structures of the complex feature large windows designed to connect man , considered the centre of the factory , with the surrounding landscape immersed in nature and allow the view to extend beyond the enclosed space . Originally an industrial plant for mechanics and telecommunications , once Olivetti departed , the workshops have not lost their character as a place of research and development for production and today hosts �������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� and branches of Neapolitan universities .
������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������� company in the energy sector located within the District ’ s C group . The intervention involved an area of about 3600 square meters ������������������������������������������� and included about 125 square meters of mezzanine . The area of the intervention can be divided into 3 macro-zones : the entrance , the central ���������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� located perpendicular to the central structure ��������������������������������������� �������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� was given to natural light and the dialogue between open-space areas and outdoor green spaces . The large windows overlooking a sinistra e pagina precedente / left and previous page ������������������������������� ��������������������������������� in the old Olivetti district in Pozzuoli ���������������
����������������������������������������� maintaining the original dimensions , types and industrial look so as not to alter the architecture of the complex , and to remain in line with the restrictions imposed by the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio������������������������������������� Internally , the large open spaces have been equipped with : - green walls that enhance the environment and purify the air , reduce noise , induce concentration and productivity and reduce stress ;
- acoustic ceiling panels that partially mask �������������������������������������� insulation against internal noise ;
�� ���������������������������������������� intended use of the space , with lighting levels that satisfy visual comfort requirements .
The lighting project The lighting system was conceived to respectfully integrate with the work of some of the greatest protagonists of the Italian industrial renaissance of the second post-war period . The design phase required careful planning to ������������������������������������ �� ���������������������������������� ; �� ����������������������������������������� the well-being of employees , improving operations and avoiding visual fatigue ; - dynamic dialogue with natural lighting that
������������������ Particular attention was also paid to energy sustainability by using all LED products capable of guaranteeing reduced consumption . Quality lighting can improve well-being and focus in the workplace . With this in mind , linear LED luminaires were chosen with suspended , ceiling or recessed installation , compliant with the EN 12464-1 standard for lighting in the workplace . These products guarantee correct glare limitation and promote visual comfort through the use of micro-prism ������������������������������������������� Round suspended luminaires with minimal ���������������������������������������������� mounted or suspended , illuminate the meeting and gathering areas . Ceiling-mounted ������������������������������������ complete the proposal and guarantee general and safety lighting for passage areas . The light emission of most of the luminaires installed is controlled by the DALI digital protocol which allows the lighting to be varied by adapting it to the changing conditions of natural light , providing optimal light at any time of the day for the well-being of employees . LUCE 349 / COMPANIES REPORT 19