LUCE 345 | Page 31

Avenue , Centro storico Comune di Vallerotonda ( Frosinone ) / Avenue , Historic centre - Municipality of Vallerotonda ( Frosinone , Italy )

Interview with Pierpaolo Paganini , owner of SOVIL

Good morning Mr . ( Pierpaolo ) Paganini , when andwherewasSOVILborn ? SOVIL was founded in 1974 by my father Vincenzo . The name stands for the acronym of SOCIETA ’ VITERBESE ILLUMINAZIONE , today simply registered as SOVIL . SOVIL was born as a factory assembling glass imported from Czechoslovakia for the manufacturing of lighting fixtures . In 1977 , he decided to expand the range of products andfocustheentireproductiononindoorand outdoor lighting fixtures .

So , SOVIL is a historic Italian lighting fixture manufacturer ? Absolutely ! What has distinguished us from thefirstdayisthepassionandoutstanding entrepreneurial skills that lead in 1996 to a major strategic and successful turning point , that is , the internationalisation of our production units at a plantonChineseterritory , stillcoordinatedbyour know-how . It was an innovative and ambitious choice , whichthankstoourmanyyearsof experience allowed us to reach leadership in the outdoorlightingmarketinthefollowingyears .
What are your special features today ? The huge availability of items for prompt delivery , the depth of range from classic to modern style , and an increasingly attentive service to customer demands . Themarketrecognisesusasareliable and competitive Company with increasingly highperformance products , the meticulous attention to the finishing touches on products , and the care of packaging , including environmental and ecosustainability . To ensure the high level of reliability , our production undergoes regular quality and safety checks . The Company is ISO 9001-2015 certified forQualitymanagementandisintheprocessof ISO 14001:2022 certification for Environmental management .
Then , we can say that you are alert and ready for technologicalchallenges . Howmuchdoyouinvestin research and development ? We are always ready and operational regarding technological challenges . I am personally engaged in R & D of new products and technologies . The work we are doing on constantly increasing reliabilityhasenabledustoincreasethewarranty ofourproductsfrom3to5yearsaswellas developing innovative solar-powered products with remote control systems .
How would you describe today ’ s SOVIL to our readers ? We have been alive for 49 years . In 2024 we will celebrate our 50th . We currently have 140 product lines , with over 1,000 items managed . The surface area of our factory in Soriano nel Cimino in the Viterbo district is 10,000 square metres . We are a dynamic and highly flexible structure , able to adapt to specific market demands . We constantly invest in new technologies and services , which allow us to carry out numerous mechanical , photometric and resistance tests on our products in-house .
Wouldyouexplaintouswhatyourmissionisatthis stage ? For years now , we have been addressing the electrical and lighting distribution sector , the lighting professionals and designers recognising them as our privileged partners through the growth and upgrading of our production .
Whatareyourgoalsforthenextthreeyears ? We want to increase our skills as lighting specialists for our partner distributors , design studios and technical offices of public administrations , being attentive to their needs , dialoguing with them and supporting them in the challenges they face . We also seek to continue our trend of revenue growth through significant investments in research and development and designing new products especially for architecture and street furniture while improving their performance . Furthermore , we are making a major investment in human resources , with the arrival of new managers and engineers for our Marketing and Technical Product Development offices .
Howdowepartwithourreaders ? Withthehopeoffindingourselvesmoreand more on a market attentive to eco-sustainability and circular economy , with defined and solid references and with companies that are willing to accept new challenges with passion and confidence like we at SOVIL : Italian Lighting Solution .
Palo Avenue /
Braccio Avenue /
Avenue on pole
Avenue with bracket
Palo Padel / Padel on pole LUCE 345 29