LUCE 344 | Page 17

A building and plant redevelopment project for the energy and ecological transition

Iren and the Municipality of Turin

A building and plant redevelopment project for the energy and ecological transition

Upgrading the building and plant systems of municipal-owned properties in a big city like Turin is an initiative that will allow energy savings of at least 33 % and will also guarantee immediate returns on the reduction of pollutant emissions . The project , already in place , was launched by Iren , in collaboration with the municipality of Turin , and focuses on energy efficiency . The programme involves as many as 800 municipal buildings in an action plan that will achieve ambitious goals , such as energy savings , technological improvements , regulatory

3 compliance , reduction of pollutant emissions and increased living comfort . The executive branch of the initiative is Iren Smart Solutions , the Energy Group ’ s business unit that has already set up an extensive series of actions , from the routine maintenance of buildings to the retrofitting of plants and the supply of energy carriers . It is a virtuous circle involving electricity , district heating , methane , diesel , wood chips and pellets . Of the 800 buildings involved , about 500 are considered a priority and include schools ( 323 ,
Edifici prioritari / Priority Buildings
504 Edifici / 504 Buildings
164 Scuole elementari , medie e superiori / Primary , middle and high schools + 6 laboratori scolastici / school laboratories
159 Scuole materne - Asili Nido / Nursery Schools - Pre-Schools
75 Uffici / Offices photo courtesy Redazione Web - Città di Torino ranging from nursery schools up to secondary schools ), offices ( 75 ), social therapeutic and recreational facilities ( 55 ), sports facilities ( 25 ) and cultural and religious buildings ( 13 ). The project started at the beginning of 2023 and will end in 2029 , when the energy savings ensured by the initiative will be at least 33 % compared to current consumption . Translated into economic savings , we are talking about 7 million euro / year for the City of Turin . The investments amount to 110 million euro and will be fully recovered through the energy savings obtained by making the buildings more efficient . It is a path in line with energy and ecological transition initiatives that benefits the environment but also permits to recover the costs of what has been spent and invested , so that economic interests can be reconciled with environmental protection . The additional advantages include the possibility of preparing a project based on the actual needs of the client , the ability to make up for the lack of financial resources of the public administration , and the development of cost-effective plans for the management phase as well . It is a proposal that fits squarely within the framework of public-private partnership contracts with the construction risk and availability risk being transferred to the concessionaire . In the details of the works included in the project , thermal coats and insulation systems will be built and thermal power plants upgraded with the installation of condensing boilers , also solar thermal systems will be implemented to produce domestic hot water and photovoltaic systems to produce electricity , finally windows and doors will be replaced , and internal and external lighting upgraded . The project also provides for the implementation of BMS ( Building Management System ) to control and manage the buildings ’ systems and equipment ( thus guaranteeing continuous remote monitoring so as to optimise energy consumption and report malfunctions in real time ), the routine and extraordinary maintenance of the plants and the supply of energy carriers . In the end , the reduction in pollutant emissions will be 20,000 tons per year of CO 2
, equivalent to the annual emissions of 16,000 cars and the consumption of 1,220 barrels of oil . Also crucial will be the impact on work organization , with 100 people permanently involved in the operation and with peaks of 400 employees .
courtesy Iren
55 Servizi socioricreativi e socioterapeutici / Social and recreational services and socio-therapeutic services
25 impianti Sportivi / Sports Facilities 13 Edifici Culturali / Cultural Buildings
2 Chiese - Cimiteri / Churches - Cemeteries
2 Forze armate / Armed Forces
1 Autorimesse / Garages 1 Abitazioni / Residential Buildings
1 Colonie Estive a Loano ( SV ) Summer camps in Loano ( SV )
LUCE 344 15