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e nei sottoportici , è ordinabile con differenti ottiche : asimmetriche stradali per l ’ illuminazione di strade strette , medie e larghe ; per manti bagnati ; asimmetriche per l ’ illuminazione di grandi aree e simmetriche stradali per l ’ illuminazione a centro strada e nei sottoportici . La qualità cromatica dell ’ illuminazione è garantita dall ’ alto CRI e dalle differenti temperature colore disponibili : neutral white ( 4.000K ), warm white ( 3.000K ) e ultra-warm white ( 2.200K ). Le versioni a 2.200K , con CRI 70 , riproducono le atmosfere calde delle vecchie lampade al sodio garantendo la resa dei colori dei materiali urbani . Themelio è fornito con sistema di regolazione del flusso luminoso , assicurando un importante risparmio energetico rispetto alle sorgenti tradizionali . Il prodotto è predisposto per l ’ integrazione di sensori e dispositivi di comunicazione che abilitano l ’ Internet of Things e i servizi smart per i cittadini . L ’ interfaccia meccanica utilizzata è quella definita dal Book18 del consorzio di Zhaga , che assicura alle amministrazioni l ’ interoperabilità tra i differenti prodotti scelti per il proprio territorio . Inoltre , grazie all ’ utilizzo di sistemi di telegestione , disponibili su richiesta , è possibile ottimizzare gli interventi di manutenzione riducendo i costi di gestione dell ’ impianto .
Le nostre soluzioni rispettano i requisiti di sostenibilità ambientale richiesti dall ’ Eco-Design : prodotti robusti , affidabili e durevoli / Our solutions meet the environmental sustainability requirements of Eco-Design : robust , reliable and durable products
Themelio small

Themelio , our new urban lighting solution

One of the principles on which the Cariboni Group bases its beliefs is the sustainable development of industrial activities . This is why we assess each design and production decision with respect for the environment , with the aim of creating high-performance solutions that limit light pollution , reduce energy consumption and guarantee product reliability over time . We consider the environmental impact of the entire life cycle of each product , from the supply of raw materials to the disposal of the luminaire at the end of its life , and we translate this awareness into a series of actions aimed at pursuing the following objectives : “ 100 % Made in Italy ” production , development of products and optical systems with reduced energy consumption and maximum visual comfort , integration of intelligent flow control systems and organisation of socially responsible production processes , with particular attention to limiting waste and to the ecological aspect .

These principles have always been the starting point in the design and industrialisation of our architectural and urban lighting solutions , and this has also been the case for our new lighting system for urban spaces and routes : Themelio .
The new solution complies with the Eco-Design requirements for environmental sustainability : robust and reliable products ; components , materials and finishes chosen for durability and resistance to corrosion , overvoltage and impact ; replaceable optical compartment , source and power supply unit for maintenance and upgrading to further extend product life . Available in two sizes and with different mounting systems for pole , string and ceiling suspension , it can be ordered with different optics : asymmetrical road optics for lighting narrow , medium and wide streets ; optics for wet surfaces ; asymmetrical optics for lighting large areas and symmetrical road optics for lighting the centre of roads and arcades .
The chromatic quality of the lighting is guaranteed by the high CRI and the different colour temperatures available : neutral white ( 4,000K ), warm white ( 3,000K ) and ultrawarm white ( 2,200K ). The 2,200K versions , with CRI 70 , reproduce the warm atmospheres of the old sodium lamps , guaranteeing the colour rendering of urban materials . Themelio is supplied with a dimming system , ensuring significant energy savings when compared to traditional sources . The product is suitable for the integration of sensors and communication devices that enable the Internet of Things and smart services for citizens . The mechanical interface used is the one defined by the Book18 of the Zhaga consortium , which guarantees municipalities the interoperability between the different products chosen for their territory . In addition , thanks to the use of remote management systems , available on request , it is possible to optimise maintenance operations and reduce the management costs of the system .
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